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Jul 20th, 2023

Web Frameworks

Author: Taisei De La Cruz
guide incomplete!

Frameworks + their Documentation and Tutorials

Once websites become moderately complex and/or dynamic, it can become a pain to write them in pure HTML, CSS, and JS. If you were making a small wiki about cheeses, would you want to copy paste a bunch of HTML and create a new HTML file every time you added an entry? Probably not.

Here a few frameworks and their tutorial/documentation pages (not a comprehensive list, not even close):

Svelte: Syntax is nice and clean, my personal favourite. Also has sveltekit

React: Most popular JS framework, made by Facebook

Yew: Rust framework that compiles into Web Assembly


Templating is one part of what frameworks usually do, but templating can be done on its own too. Templating engines allow you to reuse HTML, CSS, and JS code (like a navbar present on every page, or a blog post template where you just need to insert the title, author, and content). They typically also allow you to render variables from the server, have for loops, etc. Here are some templating engines:

Jinja (Python) or Nunjucks (Node.js)

EJS (Node.js)

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