First meeting 9/16! rm 307 @ Lunch
Jul 19th, 2023

Dev Notes

Author: Daniel Cui

Disclaimer: Daniel was annoyed because web development takes painfully long. He apologizes in advance if the following makes no sense.

Greetings, stranger!

You may be quite perplexed by all this, but don’t fear, my poor, lost soul! For that place you have landed is a marvelous haven for the brave truth-seekers in a wasteland of tutorial hell and hours spent glazed over red, green, and blue lights.

Come with me… and you’ll be… in a world of pure innovation…

wait a minute… imagination?

oh well!

The Creed

We here at Tinovation attest to the creed of self-determination and individual achievement. What does it mean to be “good at python” or “proficient at machine learning” when you can’t do anything practical with those skills? Have you ever inquired about how applications on your cellular device or personal computer are really made? Have you had an itch to create cool, exciting things?

If so, you have come to the perfect place. We exist as a waning oasis. A step on your journey towards creating innovative and illustrious projects through tech. Most things will fade with time like clubs and websites, but we can merely assist you with supplies as you reach places we have never seen or even imagined. Most anything is possible!

baby yoda ascii art

This is the way.


Hi, this is Daniel. I developed this website. Most of the core functionality was done over a week, but I tended to grind out work throughout the night, which was not really great.

This website is kinda of an amalgamation of many things.

  • home with new logo, socials, other general info
  • resources with all the guides, links, and fancy business
  • showcase with cool projects from students to show what is possible
  • leaderboard to track points for code sprints over a semester

Vercel is truly amazing. Without continuous deployment, using these static files/data would have been much harder and might have required some database thingy like AWS (painful).

All the source code is at, and you can repurpose it for something else if you want, while adhering to the license, of course.

Happy Coding!

© 2024 Tinovation. Made with SvelteKit & Tailwind.